Avoid toxic household cleaners.
Poor indoor air quality can cause a multitude of problems, no matter what the season. But when winter comes, we start spending even more time inside and the illnesses start circulating. This means that the quality of your breathing air becomes even more important!
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), poor indoor air quality can cause or exacerbate:
Asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems
Eye and skin irritations
Sore throat, colds and flu
Memory loss, dizziness, fatigue and depression
Fortunately there are a few easy things you can do to eliminate a great deal of your indoor air quality issues!
No Indoor Smoking
The American Lung Association claims that indoor smoking sends 15,000 children to the hospital each year. Second hand smoke from indoor smoking is one of the top contaminates of indoor air.
Change Your Air Filters
Your HVAC filters can harbor bacteria, dust mites, mold, and mildew. Cleaning out your filter at the recommended time, or whenever it appears dirty, will help reduce the number of contaminates circling in your air. You may also consider an anti-microbial filter like Perfect Fit Filters to mitigate this issue even further!
Avoid Toxic Cleaners and Paints
Many regular household cleaning products can emit VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) that contaminate your indoor air. These toxic chemicals can include formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Look for low-VOC paints and varnishes every time your paint your home, and use household cleaners that are green and biodegradable.
Start a Regular Cleaning Schedule
Clean your ceiling fans, dust your shelves, wipe your base boards, and vacuum thoroughly. The contaminates in your air will settle in the dust in your home, making it easy for you to remove a great deal of it. Not to mention, you will get rid of tons of those pesky dust mites.
Invest in a High Quality Air Purifier
Air purifiers are not all created equally. When investing in an air purifier, avoid those that are just a passive filter. They will only be able to filter the air right beside the unit. Look for a purifier with active technology, that will seek out the particulates in your air and attack them. We highly recommend air purification devices that employ MCI (Multi Cluster Ionization) technology.
For even more tips, we recommend visiting Dr. Mercola’s article on indoor air quality for even more in-depth information.
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