
Air Purification and Coronavirus by Douglas Hoffman

Air Purification and Coronavirus There is a flurry of information floating about regarding concerns over COVID-19 and much of it, frankly, is either simply common sense or flat-out wrong.  Recommendations from the World Health Organization seem to be right on point with what my mother taught me years ago.  Let’s address the common sense first: WASH HANDS—Regularly washing you...
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Thinking Outside of the Box on Busy Days

Thinking Outside of The Box on Busy Days by Steve Hergott I recently did a PRV (Post Remediation Verification) clearance inspection, early in the morning on a busy day when I knew I was already over committed. I was quickly informed by the mold remediation job foreman that his client wanted a very quick turnaround on the air samples I would be taking. This presented a problem ...
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