Letter from the Editor on Chinese Drywall Training
“We have been studying the Contaminated Drywall issue (formally referred to as ‘Chinese Drywall’, ‘Defective Drywall’, ‘Imported Drywall’ and ‘Corrosive Drywall’) for nearly two years. Our team of expert researchers, engineers, construction professionals, microbiologists and remediation specialists started in the summer of 2008 when clients first called NORMI™ looking for solutions. There has been a […]

June 24, 2010 In the last few weeks judges in Louisiana and Florida are adjudicating drywall cases and finding in favor of the plaintiffs. What this means to the industry could be significant, of course, but what it means to the plaintiff is, in our opinion, more significant—BECAUSE there is no contractor who can do […]

Corrosive Chinese Drywall Insurance
One of the most interesting things about the Corrosive Chinese Drywall problems is the lack of professionals who are able to actually work on the projects. Many insurance companies are sending letters to their insured contractors EXCLUDING any work on this drywall. What does that mean to the homeowner or property owner who wants to […]

New Florida Mold Law Provides Grandfather Clause
March 26, 2010 Abita Springs, LA Governor Charlie Crist of Florida signed HB0713 on Wednesday evening, March 25, 2010 at 6:43pm providing for those currently working in the mold industry to be licensed under a “grandfather clause” option thus waiving the standard licensing requirements. When Florida’s new Mold Licensing Law goes into effect on July […]

Challenging the NORMI Proctored Examinations
NORMI, the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors has introduced the first of its kind, proctored interview exam for those interested in becoming certified as a Mold Assessor (CMA) or Mold Remediator (CMR). Managed by the NORMI™ Standards and Compliance Division, the two-part examination/interview process now guarantees that the applicant has a clear understanding […]

Property owners who suspect they have Chinese Drywall
PRESS RELEASE– NORMI, the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors, a not-for-profit certifying agency based in Louisiana, is looking for property owners who suspect they may have used Corrosive Chinese Drywall in the reconstruction of their home or office after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. NORMI™ is conducting field studies to determine and […]

Chinese Drywall Education
Best Training School is now incorporating a module on Chinese Drywall Remediation into its five-day CMR (Certified Mold Remediation) class.

Proctored Exams Upgraded
NORMI has introduced the first of its kind, proctored interview exam for those interested in becoming certified as a Mold Assessor (CMA) or Mold Remediator (CMR).