NORMI Sponsors IICRC WRT Classes
Abita Springs, LA NORMI™, the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors, is pleased to announce that, beginning in February 2020, NORMI will be sponsoring the IICRC WRT (Water Restoration Technician) three-day training when taught by Joe Dobbins of Disaster Academy. According to the IICRC, the Water Restoration Technician course is designed to teach restoration […]

Thinking Outside of the Box on Busy Days
Thinking Outside of The Box on Busy Days by Steve Hergott I recently did a PRV (Post Remediation Verification) clearance inspection, early in the morning on a busy day when I knew I was already over committed. I was quickly informed by the mold remediation job foreman that his client wanted a very quick turnaround […]

NORMI™ Members Donate to Charity
Abita Springs, LA 01/15/19 NORMI™, the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors, is proud to announce a new program to assist members in donations made to vetted charities. Beginning immediately, ten percent (10%) of the proctored examination/certification fee will go to one of the three selected charities of the student’s choice. Each of the […]

What’s so different about NORMI Training?
Abita Springs, 11/19/2018 This is a question we answered many times at our first ISSA Conference in Dallas and, frankly, are asked many times. Though NORMI™ is not new to the industry (established 07/01/04), the question is understandable as NORMI™, with the help of ISSA, transitions its national program into an international presence. Customized Training—Companies […]

Why Should Mold Professionals Attend the ISSA Conference?
Having just come back from the ISSA Conference in Dallas, this question is easy to answer. Two things come to mind immediately: 1) Education and 2) Networking. ISSA, founded in 1923, is the largest support organization for the JanSan (Janitorial and Sanitary) industry having thousands of members throughout the world. Their global reach touches every […]

“Why Can’t I Just Clean Up the Mold Myself?”
Abita Springs, LA August 30, 2018 Well, of course you can! Many people find that it is more cost effective to clean up mold problems by themselves and for that reason, NORMI™ provides a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) guidelines at both the www.NORMI.org and the www.NORMIProETF.org websites. But, let me suggest that you consider these ideas before […]

NORTHBROOK, IL — August 21, 2018 — In anticipation of the upcoming ISSA Show 2018 in Dallas October 29 – November 1, Cleanfax Associate Editor Amanda Hosey sat down to talk to National Organization of Remediation and Mold Inspectors (NORMI™) president, Cleanfax contributor, and ISSA Show presenter Doug Hoffman about his organization and his ISSA Show presentation. Cleanfax: Tell us about your special area of expertise, […]

Is it Necessary to Test for Mold Indoors?
Abita Springs, LA 08/22/2018 This is a great question because the answer has been changing over the years, and that, I think, to the better! Traditionally, the position has been taken that mold testing is unnecessary so that if you see mold you just clean it up, no questions asked. That’s quick and simple but […]