“I’ll Just Have Water Please”
August 16, 2015 Water Quality That’s what we say to our waiters when we aren’t ordering a beverage, right? Have you ever been served water at a restaurant and realize it tastes so bad you might have to order a beverage after all? Sometimes I think restaurants refrain from using water filters for that […]

EPA Launches Mobile APP for School IAQ Screenings
Schools tend to be a hot bed for mold, mildew, dust mites, and other IAQ issues. Long ignored, school districts are starting to pay attention to the health and learning issues that can be caused by the air in their buildings. To assist, the Environmental Protection Agency has recently launched a new app to help […]

American Lung Association Agrees That Poor IAQ Can Contribute to Poor Health
Many Americans are living or working in buildings contaminated by mold, mildew, bacteria, particulate, dust mites VOCs, etc. This very often can contribute to a variety of health issues. The American Lung Association says on their website that, “Poor indoor air quality can cause or contribute to the development of infections, lung cancer, and chronic […]

Is Training Really Necessary?
Abita Springs, LA Some people our industry view training as unnecessary. Whether initial training or continuing education training, they view any legislation regarding licensing “unnecessarily burdening” if it includes a requirement for training, either in the field or in the classroom. This seems to ignore some pretty important reasons for training. “When I was working […]

HomeAdvisor 2015 “Best of HomeAdvisor Award”
Abita Springs, LA May 7, 2015 We are pleased to announce that thirteen of our NORMI™ members have been honored by HomeAdvisor with the “Best of HomeAdvisor Award”! HomeAdvisor is the premier lead-sourcing program in the construction industry and NORMI™ members are encouraged to take advantage of the lead-sourcing they provide which benefits their individual […]

Top Ten Tips to Avoid Structural Mold from Broken Pipes, Ice Dams, and Flooding
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nonprofit Contact Person: Doug Hoffman 877.251.2296 ext. 876 mediaalert@normi.org January 28, 2015 (Abita Springs, LA) – A few simple steps can save property owners thousands of dollars of damage due to structural mold growth, according to Doug Hoffman, executive director of the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors (www.NORMI.org), a nonprofit […]

The Top Five Uses For Enzyme Cleaners in the Home
Enzymes are the tools of nature. They are present in all living things, where they perform the essential function of converting food to energy and creating new cell material. As catalysts, they speed up natural processes and create natural reactions that otherwise would not materialize or take a long time to complete. There are thousands […]

UVC fights Ebola with Air Purification Equipment
Abita Springs, LA October 18, 2014 With the current concern about Ebola transmission, the question is once again raised about the value, effectiveness and efficacy of ultra-violet component technologies on destroying the DNA of micro-organisms and, subsequently, keeping surfaces clean. Xenex, a company selling sanitization products into the medical industry (see video here) has perfected equipment […]