Governor Chris Christie addresses members of the press in NJ
Toms River Police Department Ocean County NJ Governor Chris Christie addresses members of the press and a small group of select invitees about disaster recovery funding for essential services in the region. Federal funds became available to help offset the potential 30%-40% property tax increases which would be necessary for the townships in the area […]

REPRINT–“Pollution, Lung Cancer Link Grow Stronger”
Published: Jul 9, 2013 By Charles Bankhead, Staff Writer, MedPage Today Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco Action Points Long-term exposure even to low-level air pollution may increase the risk of lung cancer and adenocarcinoma in particular. Point out that analyses related to traffic intensity on […]

NORMIPro Environmental TASC Force Seminars a Success
On June 19th and 20th the NORMIPro Environmental TASC Force hosted two Free Public Seminars and a CMI contractors class in Monmouth County NJ. It was well attended by members of the public and officials from several non-profit and government organizations. Channel 12 News covered the event. We noticed a lack of credible information and […]

Hurricane Video Posted at Hurricane.NORMI.org
June 22, 2013 Abita Springs, LA NORMI, the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors (www.NORMI.org) has posted a new hurricane preparedness video on their homepage to help the public be prepared for hurricane season. The information included therein is a compilation of information collected from government and public sources in an effort to centralize […]

NORMI to Hold Free Seminars for New Jersey Residents
(New Orleans) NORMIProETF (The NORMIPro Environmental TASC Force), a not-for-profit 501(3)c will hold FREE seminars on Wednesday and Thursday nights, June 19th and 20th from 7:00-8:30pm at Monmouth County Library (Headquarters) located at 125 Symmes Drive, Manalpan, New Jersey. These are open to the public and each will cover a different subject. On Wednesday evening […]

Distributing The Resources New Jersey Needs For The Rebuilding Process
What New Jersey Residents Need To Know About The Christie Administration’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Action Plan The Christie Administration has received approval from the Obama Administration to move forward with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Action Plan. This plan outlines how we will utilize the first phase of the […]

NORMIPro Environmental TASC Force Provides Free Training and Support
For Immediate Release Nonprofit Contact Person: Lance Eisen 1-877-751-3100 ext 801 Lance@NORMIProETF.org April 24th, 2013 (Manalapan NJ) During the monthly meeting of the Monmouth County Long Term Recovery Group, Lance Eisen, the Executive Director of the NORMIPro Environmental TASC Force (www.NORMIProETF.org) addressed over 100 members of the group present at the meeting. In attendance were […]

NORMI Introduces New Active Membership
“These new designations are important to the public because it indicates the level of involvement the specific trained professional has in the industry,” said Doug Hoffman, Executive Director of NORMI. “The public needs to be able to see, at a glance, the current training status of the person they intend to hire and by having this information readily available, NORMI provides credibility and dynamic, up-to-date information regarding that professional. This information might otherwise be very difficult to find.”