According to the Red Cross, “The catastrophic flood devastating Louisiana is now the worst natural disaster to strike the United States since
Hurricane Sandy four years ago.”
One of the worst outcomes after any flood, especially of the magnitude of the recent Louisiana flooding, is the water damage done to the homes after the waters subside. The resulting mold and mildew can make a home almost unlivable. One of the best ways to rid a home of these harmful organisms is to use an enzyme cleaner that kills mold at the source. One of the best on the market is
EnzyMAagic201 sold by
Best Living Systems.
Fortunately for LA homeowners, Best Living Systems recently donated $1600 worth of product to assist in the cleanup of their homes after this natural disaster. This will enable them to remove the threat of mold growth in their homes at minimal cost. We encourage any other businesses in the area to also do what they can to assist these individuals reclaim there homes!