Abita Springs, LAOnsite Classes Available

“I was able to ask questions specific to my business, touch the tools and connect with other professionals who could supplement what I don’t do.  It was a great way to build a team.”

“It was worth the investment.  Yes, I had to spend a couple of nights in a hotel but that helped me concentrate on preparing for the exams!  Definitely worth the cost!”

“It’s just hard to stare at a computer screen for hours.  I don’t mind an hour here or there, especially for continuing education but three days in my seat with no hands-on.  That’s not for me!”

NORMI onsite training has been the foundation for the strength of our organization,” said Doug Hoffman, Executive Director of NORMI .  “Getting people connected to each other, the trainer and the industry is much easier when there is an eye-to-eye connection.  Developing a team approach to any project is better for the client and protects the industry against charlatans.”

NORMI offers both onsite and online trainings, whichever suits your need.  Onsite trainings include hands-on, Q&A and proctoring exam opportunities, many of which are simply not available through online options.

For more information on NORMI training, see Best Training School, call 877.251.2296, or email support@normi.org
